About Me
Since March 2023, I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering with the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB), in the Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Laboratory (AIRLab) of Politecnico di Milano. In March 2021, I received the Ph.D. in Information Technology at Politecnico di Milano (with honors), defending the dissertation “Exploiting Environment Configurability in Reinforcement Learning”, under the supervision of Prof. Marcello Restelli. In July 2015, I obtained the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (with honors) and in July 2017, I received the Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano (with honors), defending the thesis “Compatible Reward Inverse Reinforcement Learning”. Since November 2021, I am an ELLIS Member.
Download my Curriculum Vitae (updated March 2025)
I am looking for PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers starting from September 2025. Details here.
Research Interests
My research interests focus on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, in particular Reinfocement Learning. I am currently working on theoreticalabou and algorithmic aspects of:
- Inverse Reinforcement Learning
- Efficient Sample (Re)Use in Reinforcement Learning
- Multi-Armed Bandits
- Automated Reinforcement Learning
- Preference-based Reinforcement Learning
I am also interested in algorithms, optimization, statistics, probability, and recommendation systems.
Academic Experience
- Assistant Professor, DEIB, Politecnico di Milano, 2023-present
- Postdoctoral Researcher, DEIB, Politecnico di Milano, 2020-2023
National Scientific Qualifications
- As Italian Associate Professor, 09/H1 - Computer engineering (until 2034)
National Professional Qualifications
- As Italian Information Engineer (since 2021)
- Ph.D. in Information Technology, Politecnico di Milano, 2021
- M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 2017
- B.Sc. in Engineering of Computing Systems, Politecnico di Milano, 2015
Technology Transfer
I am co-founder of ML cube S.r.l., a Politecnico di Milano spin-off innovative startup, part of Kayrhos Group
- ML cube Platform - B2B platform analyzes data and models, providing insights and alerts while connecting AI performance to Business KPIs for informed decisions
- AD cube - AI platform for the optimization of multi-channel advertising campaigns
Awards and Recognitions (selected)
- Two spotlight papers at ICML 2024 (top 3.5%)
- AAAI 2024 - New Faculty Highlights
- DAAD AInet Fellowship - Postdoc-NeT-AI on Human-centered AI (2023)
- Oral presentation at ICML 2023 (top 2.39%)
- Notable paper at AISTATS 2023 (top 1.9%)
- Spotlight presentation at NeurIPS 2021 (top 2.9%)
- Premio NeoDottori di Ricerca Marco Cadoli 2021 (AIxIA) - best Italian Ph.D. thesis in AI
- Oral presentation at NeurIPS 2018 (top 0.62%)
- Premio NeoLaureati Leonardo Lesmo 2018 (AIxIA) - best Italian M.Sc. thesis in AI
- Ph.D. Scholarship (MIUR)
- Runner-up (Best academic team) at ACM RecSys Challenge 2017
Competitive Research Projects
- 2025-2028: HUmLrn - Unified Learning from Diverse Human Feedback (FIS 2 Starting Grant)
- 2023-2027: AI4REALNET - AI for REAL-world NETwork operation (HORIZON EUROPE)
- 2023-2028: iBeCHANGE - Addressing Psychosocial and Lifestyle Risk Factors to Promote Primary Cancer Prevention: An Integrated Platform to Promote Behavioural Change (HORIZON RIA)
- 2023-2026: FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research - Spoke 4: Adaptive AI (PNRR Extended Partnership)
- 2021-2025: CLINT - CLImate INTelligence: Extreme events detection, attribution and adaptation design using machine learning (HORIZON 2020)
- My Erdős Number is 3
- My Mathematics Genealogy Project entry