Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

Teaching Assistant

B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, Prof: Francesco Amigoni and Pier Luca Lanzi, Academic year: 2023-2024, first semester, Politecnico di Milano - Campus Leonardo

New! Fill the Student Feedback form [Link]

Course website: [WeBeep - Amigoni] [WeBeep - Lanzi]

The TA for the first half of the course is Prof. Papini: [WebSite]

2022 Exercise Session Recordings: [Webex]

Some exercises shown during the exercise sessions [PDF]

FAI - Constraint Satisfaction Problems - 10-11-2023 - [Slides]

FAI - Propositional Logic - 24-11-2023 - [Slides]

FAI - Classical Planning - 15-12-2023 [Slides] [Solution Hanoi Tower] [Recording - Morning] [Recording - Afternoon]

FAI - Simulated Exam [PDF]